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Louise Applebome

Dallas, TX
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Richard Frankle, Myself & David Einsidler 2002

Richard Frankle, Myself & David Einsidler 2002


I headed up to Vassar College for one year after high school, and then graduated from New York University. I went from pursuing a career in dance to becoming a merchant at Bloomingdale's.

Today, I'm a reporter at The Dallas Morning News.
I lived and worked in New York City from '73 to '78. Bloomingdale's then moved me to the Philadelphia where I lived for six years. I left the company during that phase and worked in nonprofit arts, including as the press secretary for the Pennsylvania Ballet Company. The transition back into the arts was a welcome one.

But romance lured me to Texas (of all places) -- thus, my move to Dallas and the onset of my career at The Dallas Morning News. I spent the first 15 years here in marketing/special events planning for The Morning News. I made a mid-life career change to reporting a few years back.
I've never married and have no children. But, I've left a trail of some excellent relationships (some less so) in my wake.
My mom and dad are alive and remarkably well. They live in New Canaan CT.
The Isaacs and Biblowitz families lived on either side of us on Tanners Road in Lake Success. Our three families were like one and still remain extremely close.
I was recently in Morocco with Ellen Biblowitz and Renee Isaacs for an out-of-this-world adventure.
I also stay in touch with Erica Eigenberg (now Itzkowitz) who was a year older than us and a dancer, too. She and I were at NYU's School of the Arts together and have remained dear friends.

Health, fitness, good food and wine are some of my interests.
Reading, any ocean/beach, and vacations rank right up there on my list of favorite things.
Friends and family are near and dear to my heart. I've been very fortunate to have loving and wonderful people in my life.

Saturday mornings are reserved for Torah study taught by a very bright and sometimes hilarious Rabbi. Don't ask me where I come down on the question of God, or organized religion---the class feeds my intellectual appetite--a mixture of philosophy, psychology, history, mythology and theology all rolled into one.
To all of you who I've encountered at reunions, I'm impressed by what a nice group/class we were and are.
Thank you George. What a guy!

UPDATE 2007: Took a buyout from my employer of 22 years. Getting certified to teach yoga. Thrilled to be back at pursuing something I love.

Hard to believe Pamela Bauman has died. She was as close as I came to a "best friend" at Great Neck South. I was lucky to know her.


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