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In Memoriam

If you have any information on the life of these classmates, please forward it to George.

Charles Altman
Chuck Altman was living in South Africa when he died sometime during the 80's.

Need more information;

Paul Anik Paul S. Anik died of a heart attack on January 27. He was a business transactions attorney by day and a mystery fanatic by night. He was 54.

June 20, 1954 Jan. 27, 2009. Beloved husband of Barbara, father to Vanessa and Ben, brother to Andrew and Arthur, son-in-law of Selma and Arnold Patent. Growing up in New York,
He was a much loved and highly respected partner of several major Los Angeles law firms including Mitchell, Silberberg and Knupp, Alschuler Grossman Stein and Kahan, and, most recently, Dreier, Stein and Kahan.Paul came to Southern California in the late 1970 s to pursue a highly successful general business transactional law practice, specializing in the computer services industries. Paul was originally, and always remained, a Brooklyn boy. He collected and reviewed mystery novels, was a wine enthusiast, played many sports, was an avid photographer and had a passion for musical theatre. He was a tireless volunteer at Temple Aliyah of Woodland Hills. Paul lived his life fully, vibrantly and with passion. Known for his Rice Krispie treats and pancake breakfasts, he had a cousin in every port and knew someone wherever he traveled. His sudden death at age 54 on January 27, 2009, was a terrible shock and has rocked the worlds of those who were lucky enough to have known him.

Here is something from our classmate Scott Fields:
The unexpected death of Paul Anik came as a terrible shock to all that knew him. He was an avid mountain biker and while riding apparently had a heart attack and died shortly after reaching the hospital on January 27th, 2009.

I met Paul in 8th grade homeroom and we became good friends. Paul graduated from Brooklyn College and moved to California with his wife Barbara Patent (GNN ’74) to attend law school and stayed there to practice law. He was a very successful attorney, but always made time to be with his family, read mystery books, and to take part in his regular tennis game. He was also very active in his community and was recognized for his contributions. Paul and Barbara had an incredible number of friends and their house was a regular meeting place. His Superbowl parties were a yearly highlight.

I did not see Paul much after he moved to Los Angeles except for the few years I lived there where our families became very close. We stayed in touch and tried to find time to get together periodically. We always made a point to celebrate major family events together. The last time I saw Paul was the summer of 2007 when my family joined Paul, Barbara and their children Vanessa and Ben on a trip to Israel. It was great to have had the chance to catch up and the trip turned out to be a lot more important than could have been realized at that time. We had started planning our next trip together just days before his death. At the funeral services, there were so many people in attendance that they could not all fit in the building. In the days following, his house was filled with family and friends and anyone who was there was aware from the stories being told how well liked Paul was and how terribly he was missed. While his life was too short, he lived it with vitality and humor. He was never one to miss an opportunity to make those around him laugh as well as befriend people he had just met. Paul was a great friend and it is difficult to believe he is no longer with us, but he will always be remembered.

1954 - 2009

Debbie Bach   Police found the body of Debbie decomposing in a bathtub in Westbury. They were tipped off to the whereabouts of the body by her boyfriend, Robert Sassone's attorney. Both she and Robert had been arrested in Suffolk County on narcotics one year prior to her death.
1954 - 1973

Merritt Baslow Our good friend and classmate Merritt Baslow Passed of a heart attack at his residence at the end of April

He was a frequent attendee at our events
we were in constant contact and his passing leaves me empty

He is survived by

Glenn Baslow 1957
Helene Baslow Rosato 1959
Mark Baslow 1961

1954 - 2023

Pam Bauman It is with a very heavy heart that I write to you today to tell you that Pam Bauman died Wednesday, April 4 2007

The thought of that vibrant, beautiful woman being gone is devastating...almost surreal.

I know you all share in my grief.

I also know we are all reminded of the fragility of life.

Pam knew how to make the very most out of hers.

She excelled as a dancer, a psychotherapist, an executive director in non-profits, and an advocate for the arts. Even more, I know she was a devoted and loving mate to her husband and mother to her children.

Best regards to all my GNS friends.

Love, Louise Applebome

Marin County Journal
Pamela Sue Bauman Levine Died in her home on April 4 2007. Pam lived a full and rewarding life in her 52 years. She was born in Brooklyn in 1955, grew up in Great Neck, New York, and moved to the Bay Area in 1977 to complete doctoral work in Psychology. She married Dr Stephen Levine in 1982. Pam is survived by her husband, her children, her mother Diane Bauman, her sisters, Elizabeth Lundquist and Deborah Bauman and their families. Pam was exceedingly proud of her children Jacob, a UC Berkeley senior, and Sasha, a UC Davis sophomore.

After settling in San Angelo to start a family, Pam became President of RVCS now Yes Foundation, served on the Ross Valley District School Board, and went on to become Executive Director of Youth in Arts, a position that she cherished for ten years. During her tenure there, she oversaw the expansion of this non-profit organization and received extensive accolades for her contributions.

Pams soul was sweet, artistic, youthful and overflowing with love. A sculptor and dancer in her youth, she dedicated her recent years to her children and to enriching the Marin County community through the arts and arts education. Pam, a non-smoker, would have liked to give thanks to all who showed their love and support during her three-and-a-half year battle with lung cancer.

1954 - 2007

David Becker looking for information about his passing
1954 - 0

Mark Begelman

Dear Friends it is with a heavy heart that I write of Mark Begelman passing on January 14 2019
Mark had suffered for some time with congestive heart failure and kidney disease and after returning home on Sunday Jan 13 from a birthday trip
Mark made the transition on Monday
Mark lived life to the fullest that he was able, and was a delight to all who knew him
Services are planned for late April and I will keep you posted
Mark loved Facebook and keeping in touch
He is survived by his loving wife Leslie Crowell
He will be greatly missed by all
THIS IS FROM OUR 1972 Web page
After Graduating from South I headed South and became a Rambling Wreck
at Georgia Tech in Atlanta I studied Electrical Engineering and minored in Computer Science

I left Atlanta in 1982 and moved West to Silicon Valley and worked as
a Manufacturing Engineer Failure Analyst and Quality Assurance Engineer in both Military and High Tech companies

The highlight of my employment was going to Stockholm, Sweden to accept the Nobel prize for my discovery of Perpetual Motion

I met my wonderful wife Leslie in one of the most romantic settings imaginable the watch counter at Longs drugstore I was able to successfully replace the battery in her favorite jogging watch and put the whole thing back together for her

She was delighted and told me she had three other watches at home that did not work either Well two and half years later we got married and I inherited two step kitties

Most of you do not know that I have been repairing and restoring Clocks
and Watches since I was seven years old but that is another story

I just celebrated my 50th Birthday in January with about 35 friends
and relatives I reflected back on my Life and realized just how fortunate
and blessed I really was

I hope all of you Great Neck Alumni have a happy and healthy 50th as we all begin Our second half century

Many Thanks to George for putting this all together and to helping re unite
a lot of old friends

My best wishes to you all

Mark Begelman
Ace Horologist at large
1954 - 2019

Linda Braun Linda died October 22, 2011 at her home in Galisteo , New Mexico after a courageous 10 year battle with breast cancer. She is survived by her son Ezra, brother Michael (Susan), sister Dana Vedier (Francois), and many caring friends. She was an inspiration to us all.
1954 - 2011

Janice Brown Janice Brown passed away November 27, 2010 after a couragous 3 year battle with ovarian cancer. She leaves her husband Steve and 3 children, Stefani, Brian and Cheryl. She was married to Steve Kornfeld since 1976. They have 3 children. Stefani, a graduate of Colgate University, is now enrolled in a PhD program at UPenn school of social work. Brian is a graduate of the aeronautical engineering program at University of Michigan and has an MS from the University of Florida and is living in Tampa with his fiancee, Marcy Bergner. Cheryl graduated from Washinton University in St. Louis and is enrolled is a PhD program in clinical psychology.
She leaves her two brothers, Larry and Gil and their wives, Dotty and Merri. She was a wonderful aunt and great aunt to her brothers children, Jordi, Becca, Naomi, Craig and Shana and their children Jonah 7, Talia 4, Chaya 6mo, Julian 6 mo, and Asher 3wks.
Janice went to Boston University School of Nursing and then got a MPH from BU School of Public Health. She worked as a nurse in Labor and Delivery and ran a Medical Clinic until stopping to have and raise a family. She then worked in her husbands allergy office taking care of patients with immune problems, and helping the business side also.
She enjoyed raising her family in Clearwater with its beautiful beaches, great sports teams and other recreation. She enjoyed cooking, working out, traveling, family and friends. She really loved being able to keep up with great friends from elementary school and GNS.

When I was ten years old, I moved to Lake Success, where I had to start fifth grade at a new school, Parkville. There I met Janice Brown, who soon became my best friend. We were known as Elmers Glue because we were rarely seen apart, we loved music, sports, and boys. We shared endless sleepovers where we listened to our 45s, danced in our Danskins and go go boots, and laughed about the boy girl parties we attended. We struggled to straighten our hair using Campbells soup cans. It did not matter what we did, we just enjoyed each other.
Our friendship did not weather high school and college, but we were fortunate to recapture our friendship at one of the GNS reunions 20 or 25, thanks George. We soon began to speak frequently by phone or email. Though we lived far apart, me in Albany, Janice in Tampa, we saw each other occasionally and enjoyed reminiscing. Two years ago, Janice welcomed my family and I into her home one afternoon while we were vacationing in Florida. Fatigued after completing her recent bout of chemo, she still insisted on serving us a snack. She had just discovered a box of old 45s in her brothers basement, which triggered our wonderful girlhood memories.
Our last meeting was in the spring. Janice and Fran Paltrow Loiacono visited me at my parents Lake Success home where we reminisced. That night, we had a wonderful dinner with our spouses where we planned to all gather at her Florida beach house this winter, with hopes of a miracle. It seems now as though she was revisiting her past and was coming to terms with her mortality.
The phrase battled cancer courageously has become something of a cliche, yet it truly did apply to Janice. Throughout her illness, she remained sunny, upbeat, and optimistic, she never complained. She was surrounded by a loving and supportive family and network of friends who will miss her greatly, as I surely will.
Bonnie Spar Goldberg
1954 - 2010

Linda Cherney 
Linda Cherney, animal rescuer, died Saturday, August 11, 2001 after a prolonged illness. diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis seven years ago, she had just turned 47 in April. Linda's life was remarkable. Her compassion and love for homeless animals and wanting to give something back to the community, provided the impetus for her and her husband, Bob Blake, to found Beingkind, an animal rescue and adoption organization in NYC. Founded in 1987, Beingkind was one of the first of its kind, eventually becoming incorporated. She cared about all animal issues.
Linda was truly a remarkable person and she will be missed.
1954 - 2001

William Cummings Billy was killed December 1983 as a result of an auto accident. He was the passenger and the driver was drunk. The driver survived (as always).
Submitted by Robert Reecks
1954 - 1983

Liz Eisen Elizabeth Hope Eisen known to her friends and family as Liz passed away on March 15 2023 after a long and courageous battle with ovarian cancer. Liz was born on May 25 1954 in Great Neck, New York to Charles and Sylvia Eisen. She is survived by her twins, Sam and Natalie Dworkin as well as her stepchildren, Max and Rachel Dworkin. After graduating with honors from the College of Arts and Sciences at Boston University in 1976 Liz moved to New York City and began a successful career in banking, ultimately retiring early from JP Morgan Chase due to a hip injury. She then found her passion in jewelry making. Liz had a love for swimming, collecting art, and traveling, with Paris being her favorite destination. She was also a massive dog lover and had a special place in her heart for poodles. Liz was an exceptional woman. She will be deeply missed and remembered for her strength, intelligence, and incredible generosity. Her selflessness touched the lives of many people and will leave a lasting impact on those who knew her. A memorial will be hosted by her family in the near future, with details to be announced at a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family asks that donations in her honor be made to Doctors Without Borders, an organization that Liz deeply admired and supported. Liz loved ones extend their heartfelt thanks to all those who have offered condolences and support during this difficult time.

Published by New York Times on May 25, 2023.
1954 - 2023

Steven Feinerman Steve Feinerman went off to the University of Hartford. He was a passenger in his car. While being driven back to his dorm in the Spring of his sophmore year the auto drove head on into a tree.

George, This is sort of crazy but I attended the University of Hartford with Steve and the other fatality in that car; Phil Olinsky from the 5 towns.
I was on line and saw a site with Steves HS photo. I grew up in Westbury. I played recreational basketball with Phil but also knew Steve. I remember the event like it was yesterday, after all I was only 17 or 18 and something like that is hard to forget plus it was so surreal at the time, as it is now.
There was a survivor as I remember, can see his face but forgot his name. I think he was from CT, but cant be sure.
Many of us went to see the car and it was brutal. Hair in the windshield, mostly Phil’s. He had long blonde hair.
Until this day not really sure what happened but the stories then were it was late, they were high and they were either chasing or racing, but to me it did not much matter. Just a bad event.
Take care. They were so young with so much promise. Way too bad! March 2015

Mark Kreindler
President & Co-Founder
PO BOX 2391 DANVILLE, CA 94526
925 915 9393

Would like more specifics concerning Stevens short life:
contact George Levien skigeorge@mindspring.com

1954 - 1974

Passed away on January 23 2018 at age 63. He was born March 20 1954 in New York City NY. He was a brilliant autodidact who committed his career to using high level analytical solutions in pursuit of the public good, working with the U.S. and foreign governments, research institutes, and corporations in the fields of health care, information services and technology companies. His consultancies have been mainly concerned with the application of advanced analytical methods to health care, international relations and defense intelligence. His career included consulting work for the U.S. Departments of Defense, Commerce, and Health & Human Services and the U.S. Trade Representative; the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, World Economic Forum, World Trade Organization, and World Intellectual Property Organization. He also assisted on several international election observer missions and served as Executive Director of the National Peace Foundation. Lees friends and professional associates knew him not just for his intellect, accomplishments, and sense of service, but also for his loyalty, generosity, and sharp wit. He is survived by his sister, Julie Ferron, of Hagerstown, MD, and will be dearly missed by all who knew him. An informal gathering will be held later in 2018 in the Washington, DC, area to celebrate Lees life. Donations can be made to JFCS of Southern Arizona.

1954 - 2018

Tommy Ford   Tommy and I spent some time together at NY Tech in Westbury 1973 or 74. We had some good times and he was a nice guy.
He worked in TV as cameraman including a brief stint with NY Yankees TV crew, maybe 3 years or so I think, before he passed on. He aquired a rapid and fatal disease, known as Babesiosis. He was married with 2 children.
submitted by Gary Seaman, Walter Seamans brother
Whitey Fords Son Dead at 44
Aug 9 99
MANHASSET NY Thomas Ford a son of Hall of Fame pitcher Whitey Ford, died Monday at North Shore Hospital. He was 44.
Ford who lived on Long Island died of a heart condition, according to Jason Zillo, a spokesman for the New York Yankees, his fathers former team.
After attending Broward Community College and New York Tech, Ford worked as a cameraman for WPIX, then the Yankees flagship station. At the time of his death, he owned several Blockbuster Video stores.
In addition to his father, he is survived by his mother Joan, daughter Lauren, son Sean, brother Eddie and sister Sally Clancy.

1954 - 1999

David Garcia David was a victim of the World Trade Center disaster.
Marsh and McLennan consultant from Allegiance Group
1954 - 2001

Wendy Eichholz Gay  
Wendy was a devoted woman, in both her work and her personal life. She passed away 2 weeks before her 55th birthday, after a three year battle with lung cancer.

Her dedication to her career was evidenced by her distinction of having worked for thirty eight years, as a buyer for B.O.C.E.S. School of Nassau County. Her fellow workers expressed their appreciation for her work ethic by honoring her with the largest retirement party in the history of the school. Her absence will be sincerely felt by all she worked with.

In her personal life, Wendy was devoted to Marie, her life-partner of twenty years. Among the many interests that they shared, was a passion for motorcycles and for their award winning PT Cruiser, which took many trophies at regional car shows. Wendy loved New Hyde Park. Wendy and Marie settled down and bought a home there. Wendy also loved animals. She would find strays and if she couldn’t keep them always found a home for them.

Wendy was my sister and best friend. I miss her terribly.
Her loving presence is dearly missed by all.

Francine Gay Pearson

1954 - 2009

Thomas Glynn / Mixon Thomas died on January 10, 2014....He suffered a stroke in early September, which caused some organ damage that he just could not come back from. We celebrated his 60th birthday in August with the entire family, and shortly after, he fell ill. He lived in Holly Hill, Fla.....He will be greatly missed.
John Glynn
Thomas was a very close friend of my sister and I growing up. He was a fun loving person and had a great sense of
Humor. We reconnected a few years back. He always made me laugh and always made me feel good about myself. I will always keep him in my heart.
Sue Codispoti
I knew him since Catholic School. He was a great friend. We used to hang out at the Terrace Apartments where he lived, and then down at the "swamps". It was a great hangout place. Then we would all walk into town and hang out at the bowling alley and pizza place. OMG,,,,yes, lots of memories, fun and laughs. I had not seen him since high school until you had the reunion in 2004. I was so excited to see him at that time, and glad I did.
I believe he took his mothers maiden name...Mixon later in his life. OH, that makes me sad to hear that. You can add my thoughts to the Memoriam. Thank you for letting me know.
Patricia "Mimi" LeBer Whitaker
1954 - 2014

Nelly Gonzalez Passed March 13 2014 Lupus
1954 - 2014

Steven Halbreich
On Thursday, September 17th 2020, Steven Edward Halbreich, loving father of Matthew Halbreich, passed away at the age of 66. Steven was born on August 4th, 1954 in Westchester NY and spent his early years in growing up in Long Island area. Steven eventually moved south where he attended American University and then George Washington University where he earned his MBA. He later moved down further south to Winston-Salem where he spent the rest of his adult life and spent most of his career working for Hanes and Sara Lee and RJ Reynolds as Marketing Director. He raised a son Matthew Halbreich. Steven’s main hobbies consisted of spending time with his son and supporting Matts speed skating career as he grew, taking him all over the country and different parts of the world. Steven was always known as the fun dad who liked to root on Matt and his team mates. “Your dad is a character”, they would say. Anyone who knew Steven, knows that he was never the quiet type but more of the “life of the party” type. He raised Matthew Halbreich who is now 37. He looked up to him and followed in his footsteps with his career path, earning his MBA in marketing just like his father. Over the last year and a half of Steven’s life he battled several illnesses including Lung Cancer, emphysema, pneumonia and beat them all. He was strong, a fighter. In the end it was Pulmonary Fibrosis that got the best of him in a hard fought, tough battle. It is a life taken too soon, but I hope we can celebrate the life he had and the people’s lives he touched and positively impacted. May he rest in peace! Submitted by his son Matthew
1954 - 2020

Michael Heller My brother, Michael Seth Heller, died of complications related to AIDS, May 14, 1988. After GNS, perhaps the following summer, Michael back packed through Germany and Austria with his close friend, Jon Burger. At some point later on, he did a month long back pack thing in the Greek Islands. Michael dabbled in some conventional undergrad programs (Hunter College), but his true interests were in acting. He lived in NYC and studied under Stella Adler and, though to my knowledge he never made a dime at it, held to his commitment. Michael was honest, smart and sensitive; he had a keen and unique sense of humor (while riding the subway, he might pretend to "speed read", zig zagging down one page of a book to the next, quietly enjoying the response of on lookers); he spoke his mind; he loved art, in all forms, a cold can of "Bud" and, in the end, he was courageous and considerate. He was a voracious reader and I keep Michael's impressive personal library in my home. Michael might read portions of several different books on any given day. He would say, "how is that different from watching three different television shows in an evening?" Michael and I had the opportunity to say good bye and I love you. My two sons never got to meet their Uncle Michael, but I have a sense they know him as I believe much of my brother lives on in me. Thank you, Michael Rabinowitz and George Levien, for your kind words and permitting me this opportunity to fill in the blank.
David Lee Heller, Class of ' 69.
1954 - 1988

David Hertz David Hertz Passed suddenly from a heart attack on Oct. 15, 2022, age 68, of Oyster Bay, NY, formerly of Great Neck, NY.

Beloved husband of Diane-Olivia Berenzy. Devoted President of the Great Neck Alert Engine, Hook, Ladder and Hose Co.,

“The Alert Fire Company regrets to announce the passing of current President David Hertz, who has dedicated his life to the Alert Fire Company, the residents of Great Neck and his family. President Hertz has been an active firefighter for over 20 years; honorably serving the Great Neck Community. President Hertz was a chauffeur of all apparatus, a New York State Certified Emergency Medical Technician; responding to rescue calls and treating patients in need of help, an Ice Rescue/Water Rescue Technician, a Firefighter "Bailout" instructor, a fire training instructor for our burn trailer and previously served as Vice President of our company until becoming President, in 2021. President Hertz held many certifications from the Nassau County Fire Service Academy and had many other qualifications, but most importantly made an impact on the members he served alongside and was always willing to help in any way possible. His passing is a tremendous loss to both the Alert Fire Company and the community at large. President Hertz is survived by his wife, Diane Hertz.

“We got it from here, Dave.“
1954 - 2022

Joe Keller Joe was a child of a Holocaust survivor, and a US GI dad. They met at the Central Park Tennis courts, married and decided to live in GN. He was a fanatical baseball fan and statistician. He also was an artist and political satirist who was known to most of his teachers by the top of his head since he was quiet and because he drew cartoons constantly throughout classes. Joey had severe scoliosis and got increasingly disconsolate after HS getting involved with drug and alcohol addictions. He created a drawing of an entire Spanish Armada galleon on the blackboard of Mr. Hansons 5th grade class at Lakeville from memory which was so fantastic and detailed that Mr. Hanson didnot erase the board for months. Joey was very sensitive and quite brilliant, and he most especially loved fishing in LI sound where we caught our first striped bass together in 10th grade. He hung himself circa 1980(July 12 to be exact) after a car accident. Remembered with love by Mike Biel

Joey is survived by his mother (shes still going strong as a docent at the Museum of Jewish Heritage-A Living Memorial To The Holocaust), she was never actually in a concentration camp (although her parents perished at Auschwitz).
Also brother Michael,[class of 74] who is living in NY and contributed to this eulogy. He is reachable at mkeller@cfa.com

1954 - 1980

Debra Kirsch Debra Kirsch passed away on Nov 14th 2023 in Florida from a heart attack. She had been in poor health for a while.
We shared very happy times together in Theater South. May she be at peace.
Amy Matsil
1954 - 2023

Joanne Kowalski Joanne was a wonderful spirit. Folks may remember her remarkable soprano. She sang the role of Turandot our senior year. I reconnected some with her at our 20th reunion and via facebook. I know that she was very religious and found comfort in that. The comments from students on her facebook show a very loved teacher. Roberta Riportella
She lost her battle wiht ovaian Cancer on July 12th. Joanne had four children and lived in Dedham, Ma.

1955 - 2009

Mary Ann Kowalski Mary Anne graduated from Northwestern University in 1976 with a degree in Speech Pathology. She passed in 1981 after a brief illness. She is survived by her sister Joanne Kowalski Juraschek. Both parents (Muriel and Walter Kowalski), 3 brothers(Vincent, John and Michael Kowalski and a younger sister (Terese Gerry). Submitted by twin sister Joanne.

1954 - 1981

Thomas Ladislaw He had been ill for quite some time and in a nursing home. I believe he had a heart transplant in 2010 and that went well. About 3 years after that he had a kidney transplant and that did not take so well.
Suffering from diabetes, he had lost a leg, and was on dialysis.
Eventually he contracted COVID 19.
Thomas Ladislaw, age 66, of Medford, NJ, passed away on Friday, May 8, 2020.

Mr. Ladislaw was born in Sioux City, IA, and raised a family of his own in Cinnaminson, NJ, before moving to Medford six years ago. In his leisure, he enjoyed watching football and hockey, going to the movies and working on cars. But above all, he cherished spending time with family and friends and will be deeply missed by those he leaves behind.

Thomas is survived by his beloved wife, Vicki Ladislaw (nee Anderson); children, Janine Ladislaw, Janette Oliver (John), Bradley Ladislaw; grandchildren, Brynlee Oliver, Macie Oliver, Elliott Ladislaw; brothers, James Ladislaw, Daniel Ladislaw (Linda); sister-in-law, Catherine Ladislaw. He was predeceased by his mother, MaryLou Ladislaw; brother, Leonard Ladislaw; sister-in-law, Eileen Ladislaw.

Kenny Lucas writes: Tommy was one of the toughest guys I knew but he had a heart of gold and was a gentle soul
1954 - 2020

Neil Lieblich

Dr. Neil S. Lieblich, M.D.
Born in New York City on May 2, 1954
Died on Jun. 23, 2008 and resided in Hurley, NY.

Neil S. Lieblich, M.D. died on Monday, June 23,
2008 of complications due to diabetes and sarcoidosis at Saint Peters Hospital, Albany.

Born on May 2, 1954 in Manhattan, N.Y. to Elaine (Feinstein) Lieblich and the late Norman Lieblich, P.E. He graduated from Great Neck South High School Class of 1972 and obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in biomedical engineering from MIT in 1976. Dr. Lieblich then attended Brown Medical School – Class of 1980.

After completing residencies at New York Cornell Hospital and Memorial Sloan Kettering in 1983, he settled in Kingston, N.Y.

Dr. Lieblich was a twenty-five year dedicated partner of Pine Street Pediatric Associates, serving Ulster and Dutchess Counties. He was an Associate Professor at the Medical College at Valhalla; President of the Ulster County Board of Health, past Chairman of the Departments of Pediatrics at both Benedictine and the Kingston Hospitals; Associate Medical Directors,Advisors of both GHI and Wellcare insurance carriers; Medical Advisor of the Ulster County Head Start Program and a long-standing American Academy of Pediatrics certified instructor of neonatal resuscitation.

Aside from his professional love of medicine, Dr. Lieblich thoroughly enjoyed his membership at Congregation Agudas Achim and his years of affiliation with the Society of American Magicians and the International Brotherhood of Magicians. He was an avid reader, loved logic games, was a consistent backgammon and poker player, and was a collector of antiques, books, documents and authentic, historical autographs. In addition, he was an eternal optimist and tried to make people smile.

Survivors include Dr. Lieblichs loving wife of thirty years, Joyce Holzman Lieblich and his devoted and adoring children, Ross Henry and Erica Faith Lieblich. Also surviving are his father and mother inlaw, Robert and Leila Holzman, a brother inlaw, Jose Morzan and nephew Ian, wife Amanda and niece Mandy Morzan, a brother and sister-inlaw, Marsha and Craig Goldman and nephews Myles and Mark Goldman; and many aunts, uncles and cousins. He is pre-deceased by his older sister, Jan Karen Morzan.

1954 - 2008

Michael Milenko Michael L. Milenko, 51, died unexpectedly at his home in Virginia Beach. He was the beloved son of the late Naomi and Mel Milenko and loving stepson of Ken Katz; cherished brother of Hillary Milenko and Ellen Reiner and brother-in-law of Richard Reiner; and devoted uncle of Erica and Jenny Reiner. He is also survived by three stepbrothers and one stepsister and their families and many loving friends and relatives.
What we know so far is that he did not feel well and went to an Urgent Care Center in Virginia Beach (where he was living at the time). Subsequently, they sent him to the local emergency room for pain that they were unable to treat or diagnose. At the emergency room, he was examined and discharged. Medically, that is all we know at this time.

He was seen two days later by a neighbor and then no one heard from him for about a week. After the police were alerted, they found him dead in his apartment. The exact cause of his death, at this time, is unknown. He had no known illnesses and was in good health except for the fact that he smoked cigarettes for many years.

When Michael moved to Great Neck prior to his entering the ninth grade. He was instantly well known to all as Coach Milenko’s son. His dad had been the coach at Lakeville School for many years, in addition to owning a local ski tour company and Kings Point Indoor Tennis.

His family lived two blocks from my family in Lake Success. We immediately became friends, along with Jeff Kurtz, Andy Hirschl, Richard Frankel and David Miskit. Collectively we called ourselves "The Boys", even forming an intramural basketball team together. Our lives were very much intertwined then and stayed that way after we all left Great Neck for college. This relationship continued for many years after college until his untimely death.

After high school Michael attended the University of Denver graduating with a degree in Hotel/Restaurant Management. I went to the University of Colorado in Boulder (thirty minutes away), so he and I spent a lot of time together over those four years. After graduation, he began an illustrious career in the hotel, restaurant and catering business, mostly as General Manager

Since he was single and also good at what he did, Michael was moved to new locations every few years. If there was a difficult situation or a hotel that needed upgrading, Michael was the GM they looked to. Therefore, his job took him to many different places over the years. He worked at over 10 different hotels. The locations were always different: New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Disney world, The Florida Keys, Cape Kennedy, Virginia and more.

In-between all this he opened a restaurant in a Philadelphia suburb called J. Bodines (after Jethro from the Beverly Hillbillies). He also worked as Food and Catering Manager at an exclusive Philadelphia area golf course.

Earlier in his life, before and after college, Michael would ski a lot. Later on in his life, golf replaced skiing. He would take any opportunity to play, whether at a local course or traveling off to Florida and beyond to play for a week or so. And, with all his years in Hotel/Restaurant Management, good food was his passion. If there were a new highly rated restaurant somewhere, be it in New York, LA or Miami, Michael would find out about it. He would then go try it out bringing along his friends.

Michael was outgoing and was always there to help out a friend when needed. If you (or a friend of yours) showed up at his hotel, at minimum dinner and a room were certainly on the house. He made friends wherever he worked or lived and had many friends all over the country.

Even with his busy life, he always found time to stay in close contact with his good friends, The Boys, from Great Neck. He visited us all often, even staying at several of our homes for a few months at a time in between job changes. We affectionately knew him as “Mr. Linky”.

Michael never married. He remained very close to his two sisters, Ellen and Hillary. Hillary was his travel partner on several trips abroad. Ellen’s family was his family too. He spent many a break at her house, visiting with her and her husband, Richard Reiner (GNS ’70) and their two daughters in Massachusetts. He was also very close to his mother and after her passing, he remained close to his stepfather, Kenny Katz.

Everyone had their own special bond with Michael. My bond with Michael was that we basically went to college together. Plus, of our group of six close high school friends, we were the only two that never married. Michael and I shared many a good time and laughs over the years, never forgetting our high school and college years.

Everyone is grieving over this terrible and untimely loss. The thought of him not being here is a very sad one for all of us to come to grips with. The memories we all shared with him are long and deep. He will be sorely missed by all.

There is an old German saying that goes: You are not dead; dead are only those that one forgets.

Michael, we will never forget you.

His dear friend,

Peter Fields

1954 - 2006

Pat Moreno

December 10, 2018

Hi George:

I have some very sad news to report. Our dear friend and classmate, Pat Moreno, passed away on Thursday November 29th at a hospital in Tampa Florida. In December 2017, she was diagnosed with a form of neck cancer and underwent aggressive treatments in the first half of 2018. In June 2018, she resumed her cardiology practice on a part time basis. However, even the part time practice turned out to be exhausting, and I urged her in the late summer to retire. She had lots of things to do in retirement, such as playing with her grandson, sailing, painting and other fun pursuits.

In September, I went to Tampa to help her shut down her medical practice, and the last day of her practice was October 17th. On October 24th, she took a 6-day Caribbean cruise with her 32-year-old daughter Ashley.

Upon her return, her condition worsened, with other maladies that were unrelated to the cancer. On Monday evening November 26th, her husband Steve (an internal medicine doctor) called to tell me she was in the local hospital and was not doing well. On Tuesday, they transferred her to the medical ICU at Tampa General, the largest and most sophisticated tertiary care hospital in the region. On Wednesday, her son Patrick (34 years old), his wife Emily and infant son William arrived from Boston.

Steve was an aggressive fighter on her case, and was getting the assistance from top specialists at Johns Hopkins, Dana-Farber and several other medical groups.

I booked the first flight on Thursday morning to Tampa, but she went into cardiac arrest at 9:00 AM. They worked on her for 30 minutes, but were unable to resuscitate her.

She had requested a small gravesite funeral, which took place on Sunday December 2nd at the Curlew Hills Memorial Gardens cemetery in Palm Harbor Florida.

In addition to her immediate family, she is survived by her 3 siblings, Tracey, Jaime, and Jim.

I miss her terribly. We were very close, much like a brother / sister relationship.

As you can imagine, her immediate family is trying to cope with this loss. I have been assisting the family in a variety of ways…. There are a lot of ‘things’ that need to be done.
Take care.
Skip Newman

1954 - 2018

Robert Mouallem After graduating South, I went to Queens college and graduated there in 1976. I then moved to Manhattan and managed a local neighborhood store on the Upper East side for 10 years.

In 1986 I ventured into the stock market, working with an individual investor, trading for him. During that period, he and I opened a compact disc store on the Upper East side and were one of the first stores in Manhattan to do away with the cardboard boxes disc came in and made it a more hands on buying experience. When the economy took a dip due to the first Iraq war, we were forced to close the store, but I took away from that experience my love of music and getting to meet people. In 1992,having moved back to Long Island, I decided to join a brokerage firm and I now have a slew of clients as well as trade for myself.

I got married to my wife Christine, in 1990, after living together for 9 years, and although we have no children(our choice) we have many nieces and nephews that we spend a lot of time with. We travel a lot to see her brothers and sisters all over the States and enjoy vacations in Hawaii and Las Vegas as well.

The highlight of living back on Long Island was last year when the 2002 U.S. Open was played on my home course at Beth page Black. It was a wonderful week and then being able to play the course 2 weeks after the Open showed me just how good these guys really are

Robert suffered a heart attack June 2019
1954 - 2019

Gina Pica Gina passed away due to breast cancer. I know she had a few kids and a husband but that is all I heard.
Submitted by Susan Codispoti

I came to know Gina in junior high school, we both lived in New Hyde Park. She was a tough kid, who had a rough life, but she had a big heart. I was a very shy kid, and in a era when long, straight hair was "in". I had curly locks. This caused me to get teased mercilliously by a couple of wackos in our school. ThatÌs where Gina came in. She took me in to her group and protected me. No one messed with me when I was with her and she actually introduced me to my childhood sweetheart, John. He took me to 2 proms ,(mine at GNS and his at Sewanaka ) how often does a girl get to go to 2 proms? I remember that she and her beau Danny were like Romeo and Juliet. She seemed very happy.
Im sure that her children and husband miss her very much. I will always be thankful to her for befriending me. She was a good egg. God Bless her.
Carissa Cerda

Robert Reecks ROBERT REECKS of Riverhead, L.I., died in a car crash, Detective Sergeant of the Suffolk County Police Department Hate Crimes Unit and Special Assistant to the Commissioner. Also a graduate of the Class of 2000 F.B.I. National Academy died suddenly on August 6, 2011. Survived by his loving wife, Rita and sons, Joseph and Michael Caputo and granddaughter, Alexis.
1954 - 2011

Michael Roaman Michael Roaman was a very dear friend and died at too young an age. Michael was staying with me in NYC when he died of a heart attack in 1977 at the age of twenty-three. He was born with a heart defect and was always very aware of it and careful to take care of himself. Michael was in New York on a buying trip for his soon to be opened menÌs clothing store planned for Hollywood, Florida. Michael was survived by his wife Peggy (Rounick), mother Joyce, father Alan, sister Judy and brother Peter. For those of you who remember Michael, he moved to Florida with his family in the tenth grade. Michael lived in West Palm Beach and worked at an exclusive menÌs clothing store in Palm Beach. He had a great sense of humor, a love of life and was a valued and loyal friend.
Submitted by Tom Maslow.
1954 - 1977

Carl Rosoff Carl attended and graduated from Harvard and went on to an MD PHD program at Mount Sinai School of Medicine.

Just prior to graduation 1985 he had a virus one day- Mothers Day; he was in the bathroom, fainted and hit his head. He died form bleeding in the brain.

At the time of his sad and tragic death, he was engaged and looking forward to his future in medicine.

My brother was truly an amazing person, smart, good looking, kind and just a wonderful human being. He is missed by all of us every day.

Submitted by his loving sister Robin Rosoff

1954 - 1985

Lorraine Scheele She threw herself in front of a Long Island railroad train days after her boyfriend at the time was killed in a similar manner (he may have been drunk at the time - I seem to recall this). Submitted by Sharon Miller

Still seeking information about her life.
1954 - 1978

David "Shony" Schonfeld  

David did not graduate from south but spent his senior year at a prep school in NJ. He graduated from Northeastern Univ in 1978. Went to work as a software programmer/engineer . He settled in Braintree, Mass (10 mi so of Boston) with his wife Linda ( a local Massachusetts girl). They had 4 boys : Andrew,Brian,Willie, and Joshua. He died in 2001 of liver and pancreatic cancers. Submitted by his life long best friend Robert Maillard.

1954 - 2001

Louis Scida Louis A. Scida, retired chief fire marshal for the Long Island Rail Road and former chief of the Manhasset-Lakeville Volunteer Fire Department, died at home after a long battle with cancer. He was 50.
Scida was a volunteer firefighter for 30 years and served as chief of the department from 1991 to 2001. He helped the Nassau County Fire Academy procure two scrap LIRR railroad cars that are used in training drills by local fire and police departments.
"Because of the way he fought fires and the decisions he made, the outcome was always the safety of firefighters and residents of the community," said Joe Geiman, who also served as chief of the volunteer department.

Louis A. Scida had a humble start to his career at the Long Island Rail Road: His first job was cleaning trains.

But 25 years later, he had risen to the crucial post of chief fire marshal, in charge of preventing and responding to fires in tunnels and on tracks in a railroad system used by hundreds of thousands of people daily.

His friends and family remembered the life-long New Hyde Park resident yesterday as a devoted volunteer firefighter who quietly did good deeds for others without seeking recognition.

He was so modest, in fact, that it wasn't until after his death that relatives discovered all the plaques he had received honoring him, said his sister, Lorraine Capabianca. He had stashed them away in his house.

"He was a very low-key, modest man," Capabianca said, adding that "droves" of people were visiting the family yesterday to pay their respects.

Scida became a volunteer firefighter at age 18, and a decade ago was elected chief of the Manhasset-Lakeville Fire Department. In 1998, he was named chief fire marshal for the LIRR, a job that in recent years also involved paying increasing attention to counter-terrorism, said one of his cousins, John Marzulli.

Serving as a firefighter seemed to be in Scida's blood, said Marzulli, who recalled how he would often bolt out of family gatherings as the fire whistle blew.

"I can always remember him running to his car to get to his job to help people," Marzulli said.

One of the things Scida was most proud of with the department was obtaining two old LIRR rail cars to be used at the Nassau County Fire Academy by firefighters training to put out fires and evacuate rail cars.

He was also intensely proud of his family, including his son, Thomas, a sophomore at Loyola University in Chicago who won a scholarship to the school, and his daughter, Lauren, who is in high school. Scida also is survived by his wife, Patricia, and his mother, Helen.**************************************

I have been a close friend of Lou's since the first grade (almost 45 years) and have had the honor to share all the high points and the struggles in his life - including his marriage to his beautiful wife Patricia (as a member of their wedding party), the birth of his two children - Tom and Lauren, and the many milestones in his complete life. Lou spent thirty years of dedicated service to the community it which he was raised as a member of the Manhasset-Lakeville Volunteer Fire Department and Company #5. He has held every office you can hold from 2nd. Lieutenant to Captain of Company #5 and 4th. Deputy Chief to become Chief of the Fire Department in 1999. He also served as the Dept. President prior to his ten year term as Chief. Lou also recently retired as the Chief Fire Marshal of the MTA-LIRR with 26 years at the LIRR. So it is safe to say that Lou has spent a lifetime protecting the residents of not only his community but the thousands of Long Island residents that commuted on the LIRR each and every day.

I know Lou Scida was a great man - I got to see it each and every day as a close friend and fellow firefighter with Lou. But what made Lou a remarkable man was his eight year struggle with cancer. Lou was diagnosed with kidney cancer while still in the Chiefs office. He fought hard and long in the face of unbeatable odds. Very few people, certainly not me, would have been able to face such a devastating disease with such class and dignity as Lou. With his entire body riddled with cancer he never lost his sense of humor or his will to fight, while always providing for his family and being more concerned about the feelings of others. I lost a great friend that I grew to love and respect over these past forty five years, but not nearly as much as in these past eight years. Lou was not just a great man, not just a remarkable man - he was also my HERO!

Joe Geiman "class of 72"

1954 - 2005

Mark Selig Marks life long ambition was to become a cop and he was very happy to become a police officer after graduating high school and we believe he was killed in a helicopter crash. In addition to being a highly decorated police officer and graduate of American University Mark was happily married an accomplished pilot and at the time of his death had been accepted into Saint Johns Law School. He was survived by his mother and father and his sister and brother. Still seeking more details.

Kenny Shey I spent my entire career in the fine jewelry business, many years of which were managing a 16 store group with P L responsibility. I also traveled the U.S. and Caribbean performing One Day Designer Gem Shows, with a 6 million line from Livian. Due to poor health and 9 11, I was forced to give up wearing a tuxedo to work every day, and take early retirement. I was married 24 years, I am now divorced as of 5 12 05. I have been engaged to a wonderful woman and hope to marry next year! I have a 26 year old son, 30 year old daughter, both attending the University Of Tennessee I Have a BA in Management from The University Of South Florida. GIA Diamond Graduate, Pearl Course Graduate Gemological Institute Of America. Prognosis for my right foot however, shows that my disability will be permanent. I will miss you all this spring 2007. I am saddened that I cannot make it up to George Annual Event this year.

He lived in Maryville, TN with his wife Debra Ripley, whom he married in 2014.
Kenny and George Levien would connect before and after every class gathering….he wanted the latest news on everyone!
Roberta Riportella writes

Though I only had brief contact with Kenny since high school, I remember him as a joyous soul, a kind and compassionate friend, and just a hoot to be around. I know those of us in Theater South will have fond memories of his standout performances in Fibber and the Flea, Teahouse of the August Moon a wrestling match, one of the Kings in Amal and the Night Visitors, and a cop in Three Penny Opera, as well as his booming voice in our chorus. Kenny was always there to lend a hand.

He was retired and lived near Knoxville TN with Debbie, whom he adored and married in 2014. He had a son Ben and daughter Lauren from a previous relationship.

May his memory be for a blessing , reflecting on those memories will help me to be better and kinder.
1954 - 2024

John Toner Nothing at this time
1954 - 2024

Amy Waldhorn   Amy went to NYU for several years after graduating from Great Neck South in 1972.

When she left NYU she got an apartment in the city and worked in the 8th Street Book Store.

She moved from there in 1976 to the Doubleday Book Shop on 53rd and Fifth where she met her future husband, Whit Waterbury.

Amy had a brain tumor removed in 1977. Following her recovery she re-enrolled in NYU. She graduated from NYU with a degree in education in May of 1980.

She became a teacher at the Bank Street School in September 1980 and taught there until 1988. In teaching Amy found her true calling. She quickly became one of the most popular and respected teachers in the school. She taught five and six year olds and often remarked that you never learn again as much as you learn at that period of your lifeÛwhich is why itÌs such an exciting age group to teach. Bank Street has a tradition that each graduating student makes a short valedictory speech. Year after year it was truly amazing how many of these proud 13 year old graduates shared stories about Amy.and cited her as one of the most important influences on their lives.

In 1981 Amy and Whit were married. They moved from the city to Maplewood, New Jersey in 1986.

Their son Sam was born in 1988 and in that year she left Bank Street.

Amy took up teaching again in 1991 at the Rand School in Montclair, NJ. She taught there for a year and then did various independent projects for schools including Bank Street and the Jewish Community Center in West Orange, NJ.

From 1990 until 1995 she had several recurrences of the brain tumor that required lengthy stays in the hospital. The last recurrence in 1995 was fatal: she went into the hospital in July of 1995 and died the following June 23rd, at age 42. She was survived by her mother Mimi, her sister Jane, her brother Richard, her son Sam and her husband Whit. (Her mother died in 2002.)

A scholarship fund has been established in her name at the Bank Street School.

Prepared in February 2005 by Jane Stine, Amy's sister.
1954 - 1995


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